2011.04.23 17:50
Volunteer report:23 April 2011-Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture-
We provided emergency relief in the form of meal preparation at Minato Primary School, Ishinomaki City. We would like to present some of the impressions of volunteers who participated in this activity.
(Mr K, Age 26, Male, Saitama prefecture resident)
Since the immediate aftermath of the earthquake disaster of 11 March, I had been continually preoccupied with the thought that I should do something to help the devastated area, and therefore decided to participate in this volunteer activity.
The feelings one experiences at the actual disaster site proved to be very different from those experienced through television or other media. I was lost for words when I witnessed the overwhelming destructive force of the tsunami at the coast, and although this may sound sentimental, when I saw the cherry blossoms flowering in stark contrast to their devastated surroundings, I was not able to hold back my unexpected tears.
How is it possible to express in words the way that just one difference in paths could result in completely different consequences; is the word 'destiny' truly appropriate for this. I can't help but feel that whatever words I use feel too light.
One elderly lady I spoke to at the evacuation centre told me how she was saved only because she returned to save her friend. I was shocked by the way in which just a small difference in timing made the distinction between life and death; I felt that I too am living an existence according to such timing, and realised anew that I must live my life earnestly.
(Mr I, Age 37, Male, Tokyo resident)Although my schedule was for a limited time, I participated in meal preparation. I saw before my eyes that the people who had evacuated there had lost their loved ones, homes, familiar communities, and were in extremely distressful, awful circumstances. It is certain that much more support is still needed, and it is important for there to be a system of emergency relief to support today's life, and tomorrow's life, through Japanese and foreign people coming together as one. However, at the same time, when I recall the proud character of friends and acquaintances from Tohoku I feel anxious about what lies ahead. What I feel most is that while retaining the dignity they originally possess, perhaps the time has come for these victims to work towards becoming independent. In order for them to regain a life with a purpose while doing something worthwhile, I would like to find something I can do to help.
Categories:Ishinomaki,Miyagi|RENTAI TOHOKU activities
2011.04.23 17:50 admin